faq personal training

Are you looking for answers to frequently asked personal training questions? Whether you are considering hiring a personal trainer for yourself or your student-athlete or just looking to gain insight for your next exercise program, a trainer can help immensely.

However, similar to hiring an expert, a personal trainer needs to be able to help you with your goals, and picking the right expert comes down to a few things. Today, we will answer the 11 most common personal trainer questions we receive. Please keep reading for some bonus content at the end as we answer your burning questions!

11 FAQ for Personal Training:

Below are the most frequently asked training questions we receive here at Infinite Performance Training of Gainesville, VA!

1. What do personal trainers do?

Simply put, a personal trainer is an expert who helps you achieve your fitness and health goals through exercise, coaching, training, and healthy eating choices. Whether your goal is to lose weight, build muscle, or improve your overall health, personal trainers can help you create a custom plan to help you accomplish your goals. Reputable personal trainers near you should also motivate and inspire their client search training sessions.

2. How many times a week do I need a personal trainer?

The frequency of your training sessions will often vary on a few factors that can include:

  1. Your personal goals
  2. How often you can commit to a training program
  3. The budgeted amount of money you have for training

Typically, after your first personal training session, our trainers can help you decide the best course of action for your goals. Our clients usually utilize 2 to 3 training sessions per week to help them get in shape, build muscle, and create results. Most adults should work out at least 5x per week; however, not every workout has to be with a trainer.

3. Can a Personal Trainer help me reach my goals?

Yes, a personal trainer can help you reach your fitness goals, which is a good trainer’s top priority. A qualified personal trainer can help you reach your goals by targeting the major muscle groups, helping with proper form, pushing you past your comfort zone, and encouraging you on your fitness journey!

4. How much does a personal trainer cost?

The cost of hiring a personal trainer can vary depending on whether you do one-on-one or group sessions. Individual training sessions naturally cost more and are usually 60 minutes long, whereas group sessions are slightly less.

Generally, a personal trainer’s going rate can vary from $300 to $900 monthly. Remember that this depends on the frequency of the training sessions, your goals, and the customization of your fitness plan.

➡️ The going rate for a personal trainer is between $50 and $100 per hour.

5. Why should I hire a Personal Trainer?

Hiring a personal trainer can be life-changing when you utilize their expertise and set fitness goals for yourself. Good trainers specialize in specific exercise programming that helps you target weight loss, resistance training, speed training, or just general fitness goals you might have. A certified personal trainer can help you with your fitness journey in many ways, from helping you with accountability and motivation to meal plans.

Here at Infinite Performance Training, our group sessions, fitness tracking, and accountability programs create a culture of results and fun!

6. Why are my muscles sore after a workout?

DOMS, or delayed onset muscle soreness, is common after your first training session but also when you adjust exercise selection or include new programming. While it might feel uncomfortable, muscle soreness is very common and does not mean you have an injury. Hiring a health coach or personal trainer can help you work through DOMS, recover faster, and prevent sports injuries.

7. Should I train before or after work?

Most people in the fitness field will say that it doesn’t matter when you train. In fact, the timing of your training is not as important as how often you train. Those looking to adjust their body composition with fat loss and resistance training need to make sure they are training at least four times a week. So whether it is before or after work, it is whatever is most convieant for you to show up!

With NOVA’s traffic being what it is, we ensure we accommodate all our clients with numerous training times to utilize! We better understand the area and can help you develop a great plan compared to an online trainer.

8. How will you track my progress?

A certified personal trainer will typically keep track of your training personal training sessions by recording your weights, sets, and repetitions. As for your overall tracking, a complete body scan and measurement before and after a training program (typically every 6 weeks) is utilized to track overall progress. Each workout does not require weighing in; weight is not the only measurement of progress.

9. Can a personal trainer help me with my diet?

Personal training clients who also want help with their diet can ask their trainers these questions to get insight into helping them with their food consumption habits. That said, not all trainers are considered registered dieticians, and you need to feel confident about the advice you receive. A good trainer will help you with a meal plan to help you hit your goals and promote better health.

10. Do I need to take dietary supplements?

Every client is different, and dietary supplements should never be required. While some clients may prefer to utilize the help of certain supplements like protein, pre-workout, and other options, you don’t have to. In addition to your regular exercises, regular supplementation can aid in muscle gains, fat loss, and a healthier lifestyle. The supplement question is a frequent question we get here at Infinite Performance Training; here is a video highlight to help further your understanding of the supplementation question:

11. What is the best way to lose fat?

Contrary to popular thought, the best way to lose fat is not just cardiovascular training. While burning extra calories is important, the most comprehensive path to lose fat is to adjust your consumption of food, include resistance training, and utilize HITT training techniques. Muscles burn more energy than fat, and too much cardio training can cause your body to store fat. The equipment you utilize is less important, fat loss succes often comes from strength training consistency in the gym!

FAQ for Infinite Performance Training in Virginia:

At Infinite Performance Training, located in Gainesville, VA, but serving all of Northern Virginia, we sometimes get questions about our training programs. Here are just a few of the frequently asked training questions we get about Infinite PT!

How much does a personal trainer cost in Virginia?

Personal trainer costs in Virginia are within the same national averages that you see online (average cost is $65 per hour). The cost of a personal trainer in Virginia is in line with the average pricing models and can vary depending on your goals (strength training vs. weight loss). Regular weight training in conjunction with hiring a personal trainer has shown to help you reach your fitness goals quicker!

What is the best way to train young student-athletes?

We often get asked how old students have to train and what the best way to train a student-athlete is. Considering all factors, such as age, sports, and goals, we often create a sport-specific custom exercise routine that targets all performance areas. This means mobility, strength, speed, and agility are all factored into our training sessions while also keeping in mind the proper load principles for a child’s age. Lifting weights at an early age is not an issue; how much they lift and with what form is what matters. At Infinite Performance Training, we coach form and ensure our workout plan is safe for student-athletes.

Do you need a license to be a personal trainer in VA?

While a license or certification as a personal trainer is not required in Virginia, most gyms in Gainesville and elsewhere will only hire trainers with certifications. A reputable fitness facility wants to ensure that their personal trainers are certified and here at Infinite Performance Training of NOVA we require our trainers to have certifications.

For example, CJ’s certifications include a B.S. Degree in Kinesiology, NASM, AFAA, FMS-Level 1, NSPA, CSAC, CPR-AED, Certified Online Wellness Coach, Nutrition Coach, and Hyperice Hypervolt Certified. Personal training certification is required at Infinite Performance Training.

Are expensive personal trainers worth it?

The price of a personal trainer doesn’t indicate whether the particular fitness professional is the best at what they do. However, a certified personal trainer who charges more can usually do so because they are accomplished in their field or area of expertise.

For example, CJ, the founder of Infinite Performance Training, has been voted the Best Trainer in Prince William County and specializes in training athletes. This expertise has allowed him to work with a variety of athletes of all ages and carve out a niche that has made him the go-to trainer for student-athletes in the Western Prince William County area. As a general rule of thumb, an expensive personal trainer has to have an excellent reputation to charge more. Here at Infinite Performance Training, our prices fall in the average ranges of national averages. The real question is, how much is your well being worth?

To learn more about our client success, nutrition coaching, and health and fitness center be sure to reach out below:

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Infinite Performance Training is one of the best training centers in Gainesville, VA for student athletes looking to take it to the next level! We also specialize in helping adults reach their fitness goals too!

trainer in Gainesville va

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